Well, it has been so long since we blogged, because we were not sure what to write. Through some random events we have decided to move in the direction of Domestic Adoption instead of Ethiopia. We are VERY excited about this. It always amazes me how God works, but we really feel like this is what God wants for our family.
We will be using an agency in Michigan called Adoption Associates. The only reason we heard about this agency was from an Ethiopian blog I was reading,I did not go seeking it out or anything like that, so I really feel God lead us there. We decided to pray about it (I did not sleep for about 3 nights) and I asked God to slam the door in my face if this is not what he wanted for our family. About 2 days later we found out Ethiopia had changed some rules and those changes were deal breakers for us. We felt that was conformation in our decision and we were moving in the right direction.
We had our interview with the agency on Friday and it went really well. I was kind of nervous, because sometimes phone conversations can be hard to make a good first impression. But, all of my fears about Domestic adoption went out the window, it was like God knew just what we needed. Because there is such a need for adoptive families we could very realistically bring home a baby by this fall; which is exciting a scary all at the same time. So please pray along with us that the right birth mother will pick us. I pray we are exactly what some mother is looking for!!
We will keep you posted on this crazy journey!